My heart starting beating faster. Was it possible she'd guessed my secret? "I'm more different than you think, Chris," I said.

She shook off my arm. "Hey, wait a minute. If you're one of those girls who goes both ways'




"No, that's not it My voice trailed off to a nearwhisper, as I realized that if I told Chris the truth now, she'd only get more confused about us. If she was afraid that I was bisexual, then the revelation that I was really a boy might cause an unrepairable break in our friendship. "I just think friends are more important sometimes than going through the heartaches of boyfriends."


An awful expression came over her face. "Oh, Danni. I didn't mean to misjudge you that way I I'm just guess feeling a little left out, with everybody dating everybody else.


"Don't worry about it," I reassured her. "Give me this one Friday night to help boost J.J.'s morale, and you and I will back to 'Friday Night at the Movies' next week.” I go giggled. "And I promise I won't try to molest you!"

She started giggling as well. "You ARE something special."

Still, I worried about my date with J.J. After all, I was still a boy, even though I now wore miniskirts and makeup all the time. I was so terrified at the idea of going out with a boy who didn't know I was also one, I actually got nauseous at times thinking about it. Kathy was no help whatsoever: All week, she kept bringing clothes out of her closet for me to wear on 'the date'. She seemed genuinely disappointed when I pointed out that it was only the movies, and that I didn't really have to dress any differently than I did when I went with Chris.

Robin pointed out to me that dating boys was a very important part of being a typical teenaged girl, and sent me to a M.D. to get a prescription to help with my nausea. The pills seemed to calm me down, although I was still hoping


CONTEMPORARY TV FICTION 39 that the day would come soon when I could go back to a more normal existence.


Naturally, when it came down to the actual date itself, J.J. didn't even notice what I was wearing, which disappointed me, much to my surprise. I'd finally given in to Kathy's prodding and worn one of her cutest dresses a black tiered mini dress with a white belt and shoes. But my escort was so excited and nervous about taking me out that I probably could have worn my old male clothes, as long as I kept my hair styled and wore makeup, and he wouldn't have cared. Naturally, this worried me further. I didn't think he'd find out about my charade, but ... what if he tried to kiss me? I couldn't let a BOY do that! I just had to hope that J.J. really was a lot like I used to be, and that he'd be too insecure and/or shy to try stealing a kiss from his cute little date.

Fortunately, it turned out that I had little to worry about. Aside from buying me a coke and letting me share his popcorn, the evening was uneventful. I guess that J.J. felt he'd gotten in way over his head, because he dropped me back home without even suggesting that we go out again! I couldn't help but feel relieved as I walked up to the front door and let myself in. Kathy was still up. "Your friend Chris called and said for you to call her as soon as you got back."

I went to the phone and dialed her number. "Hi, Chris," I said when she answered. "I just got home."

A depressed voice came back down the line to me. "So how was your date?"

"No big deal ... we shared a tub of popcorn, he bought me a coke, the movie was O.K. ...'


"So, when are you going out with ... HIM... again?” "Chris, is something wrong? You sound like you've been crying!"

Suddenly a familiar caring feeling came over me, stronger than ever. "I mean, if you're still upset about my date tonight ..."